They did it!

Here is a page dedicated to all  the stories of the women who decided to do the challenge.

This page is for YOU. Come often and share your journey and your story. We want to know what’s happening in YOUR life when you start wearing more dresses. Share what you are enjoying, what is challenging,  what you are learning. Come here to celebrate your success. Come often, everyday if you want !

Post your pictures on the Facebook page and regularly we will take some of them and post them on this blog in the Photo Gallery

Reminder: this blog is not about fashion.  It’s an inspiration place where we get to witness each others getting out of our comfort zone and embracing our divine Feminine. It’s about wearing all those dresses that you are saving for a special day. It’s about making every day special and getting more comfortable in our feminine bodies because life is more fun that way. This challenge is about connecting with other women  and having more people smiling at us ! { and who knows what you might learn about yourself along the way?}

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