What’s the challenge?


join us from May 1st to May 21st 2014

CLICK HERE: https://www.facebook.com/events/714943271880846/

Curious ? see 2013 Challenge here:


How it all started?

Christine Lewicki – Creator of the 21 days in dresses challenge.

I am a mom of three daughters and last year for Easter I had to fight with my girls to have them wear their cute adorable dresses from France ( we are a French family living in the US).  I could not understand why I was getting so much push back from them until I walked into my closet to get myself ready and realized that I was planning on wearing pants !

I have been wanting to be more FEMININE and tap into my Goddess power for months, years even. It seems like decades since I wore a spring dress on a regular day. I hide in my jeans and I am getting ashamed of my legs, my feet, my thighs, my knees… I am not used to seeing them really !

So after my 21 days to stop complaining challenge ( find out more in French www.jarretederaler.com  or in  English at www.istopcomplaining.com ),  I decided to start a 21 days in dresses challenge ! Once again I felt called to be the change that I wanted to see in this world !

We started the first round of this challenge on a Monday in May 2012 and finished it 21 days later at the beginning of June.  90 women from around the globe got inspired to join me.  It was a magical and really fun experiment. You can follow our story HERE ( note that this is the page of a PAST EVENT, if you want to join us now please go to our CURRENT FACEBOOK PAGE. You can also use this page to share this challenge with your friends)

After we completed our challenge many other women decided to embark on the same journey and do the challenge with their friends. Maybe you feel ready to do it too? With this blog I want to create an official place for all of us. I remember how I was feeling right before I got started: I was scared, worried that I didn’t have enough dresses, that I would not look good enough, that it won’t be convenient….. but I wanted to do it to CLAIM MY FEMININITY BACK

  • Do you also feel that you FORGOT how it feels to wear a dress ?
  • Do you want to break the habit of relying only on your jeans ?
  • Do you find it sad to have all those dresses in your closet that you are saving for a special day ?

If this challenge is inspiring to you, don’t wait and join the 21 days in dresses challenge.

Some people say this challenge is “electrifying”. Simple, yet for some of us, it can be a real stretch.

We may want to do it but can we?

Can you imagine what the impact could be if millions of women started to wear dresses and bring more feminine power and joy to their everyday lives?

“Let’s be the change we want to see”. Let’s be the one who inspire others.

Start tomorrow or next week but don’t postpone any longer {your friends and the people around you are going to be happy you did}

Attention: there is a high chance that some of your friends will join you !

How does it work?

Simply follow the 3 steps

  1. Wear a dress everyday   ( you can change to exercise or take your yoga class of course !). You don’t need to wear a new dress everyday. Actually you could wear the same one and use accessories for fun ( see http://www.theuniformproject.com/)
  2. Join the Facebook  page and share your pictures  ( everyday or whenever you want). It can be really cool for you to have all the 21 pictures at the end of your challenge. Visual suggestion (only if you want): always take your picture in the same location so that at the end you can create a great visual of your challenge.
  3. Share your journey on this blog, tell us your story in the ” They did it” section and inspire others do to the same.

Note:  this challenge is not about fashion or wearing anything fancy. It’s about inspiration and witnessing each other getting out of our comfort zones and embracing our divine Feminine. It’s about wearing all those dresses that you are saving for a special day. It’s about making every day special and getting more comfortable in our feminine bodies because life is more fun that way. This challenge is about connecting with other women and smiling (you will smile more and so will everyone else around you) ! And who knows what you might learn about yourself along the way?

Want to use this challenge to support a great cause ?

I really want this 21 days in dress fun and thrilling challenge to be connected to a non-profit endeavor a little like the Movember mouvement (the month of the mustache to raise awareness and fund for a cure for prostate cancer). Since my mom has Parkinson disease I thought we could connect this challenge with the Michael J Fox Foundation. We could create teams at work and collect money to donate to the foundation. What do you think ?
I am sure that all the people around you are really enjoying your dresses ! they could donate a few bucks to help a good cause.

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